Spain, Europe
With one Michelin star, some people say José Antonio Campoviejo is a mad genius, it might be for his messy hair, for his emotion when he cooks and talks about cooking or for his endless inquisitiveness. Self-taught by the cooking fire, he has developed the passion born when at the military service in charge of feeding his colleagues, he couldn’t stop reading cooking books and magazines.
Chicken filled with oyster, Cabrales cheese and baked apple with white chocolate bonbon, razor-shells soup with sea urchin and algae, or pickled “xarda” fish with citrics and garlic leaf are the result of many years of passionate cooking. José Antonio Campoviejo is a fervent advocate of natural and eco products, and proximity. And he moves his dishes to Asturias, in search of the taste memory.
He has been awarded with multiple awards and recognitions such as la Caldereta de Don Calixto, el Cucharón de la Buena Mesa de la Mar, el Premio de la Crítica and has been knighted Caballero de la Orden del Sabadiego, de la Cofradía Amigos de los Nabos, and Amigos del Queso y de los Amigos del Gochu Asturcelta, among others.
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